Hey guys, how are you all? I’ve been having my usual ups and downs but other than that, I’m as okay as the normal melancholic young adult(ish) who lives in…a […]
3 AM Thoughts: Companies, or really CEOs, aren’t your or your faves’ friends
Now, everyone and their mother has heard of GOT7’s imminent departure from JYP by now. Even me, who has been living under the rock that blocks out K-pop has heard […]
3 AM Thoughts: How to Come out From a Parasocial Relationship?
I’m back again with a “brief” 3 AM thought post based on a search inquiry that brought someone to this blog a few days ago: Apparently, someone wanted to know […]
3 AM Thoughts: The Irene Paradox
So, it’s been a while since I did my last 3 AM thoughts which was about how BTS ARMY’s act like the parents of BTS and how that’s not really […]
3AM Thoughts: BTS’s ARMY Parents
Hey, let’s talk a bit about something I’ve been ruminating in my mind lately. Don’t worry, as opposed to my other posts, I’ve decided to make shorter posts that are […]